Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Savannah's 1st Birthday Party

Savannah had her first birthday party on Saturday, November 13.  We had such a fun time with our neighbors and friends here in Chapel Hill.  And Grams was even able to fly out to spend the week with us.  We wish more of our family could have been here, too, but I guess that's how it is when we all live so far apart.  Luckily we'll see a lot of them next month for Christmas!  

Here are just a few of the many pictures we took during the day:       
Here comes the Birthday Girl!
So happy was Grams was here to celebrate, too!

the party crowd 
yummy snack time
Oscar and his brilliant idea of hanging the pinata
she's after the party bags
we didn't make much of a dent in it...
but she loved being able to whack at it!
she was a little unsure of all the singing
"hmmm, let me see what this feels like."
"Mom, it's icky!! Get it away!"
Having a tea party with Mrs. Telling
Gift time!!!!
She loved digging in the bags.
woohoo! a new baby!
she got bored with opening gifts until........
a big one came out! 
she was most excited about just pushing around the big box
woohoo! another box to push around!
she LOVES her grocery cart!
she's off to the grocery store with her baby
sorry for the vulgar hand motion---she must be tired of all the photos.
pushing this all over the house is mom's new form of exercise
a new piece of furniture to add to the living room
she LOVES it!!!!!
my beautiful happy 1 year old!!!
I know Savannah will never remember her first birthday party but it's one that I will never forget!  As much fun as it was, I think I need at least a year to recuperate.  Thank goodness birthdays only come once a year :)  


  1. We are so coming to play at your house with all those great toys! :) Happy Birthday, Savannah!

  2. Love, love, love it ALL! I so wish we could have been there to celebrate, we'll have to plan better next year :) Savannah's outfit was perfect, love the sash and her cupcake looked A-MAZING! Give that birthday girl some xoxo from me and her boyfriend!
    Love ya'll!!

  3. Love that birthday outfit!! Fit for a princess! Do they make one in my size? :) The party looked like so much fun. I especially love the football game playing outside. :) greg thought that was a brilliant idea. :)
