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My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Friday, June 25, 2010

Savannah and the terrible horrible awful no good very bad week

What a week Savannah and I have had!  I never expected this whole teething thing to be so rough.  Poor Savannah hasn't taken a decent nap in over 6 days and she wakes up at least 5 times a night.  Her awake hours aren't much better.  She is ALWAYS such a happy smiley baby but these last couple of days have really taken a tole on her.  Even the other moms at swim class noticed the decrease in smiles.  Also, she rarely cries but lately out of nowhere these huge tears just start streaming down her face :(  She's never even had so much as a cold before so this is her first time feeling sick/achy/uncomfortable.  I sure hope I'm not overdosing her on Tylenol.  Thank goodness for Lilly Belle because she seems to be the only thing that can calm a hysterical Savannah.  

Here are the little teeth nubs on Monday

Here they are on Friday

Despite the teething pains, she is really making progress on her crawling.  She does a really cute half-crawl forward and she can really motor backwards.  I'm sure any day now it will click for her and then she'll be all over the place.  I guess I need to step up and finish baby-proofing the house.
She's almost got it!
This is much harder than I thought!
I sure hope next week is easier!!!


  1. Oh, poor Savannah!! I'm so sorry she hasn't had a good week. I'm sure it will be better next week. She's still as cute as she can be, even when she's a little sad :( Winn has had his ups and downs with his teeth (good golly, he's got dang 7 of them already!!) I recently discovered that he LOVES sucking on a cold, wet, washcloth. Whenever he's sad about his teeth I give him one and he instantly makes a turnaround. I sure hope things are happier next week, you're doing great mama! Keep it up!! :)

  2. Who would have thought Lilly would be the one to help out!!! She will get better soon. Once her teeth break the surface things should slowly start getting better. Its just that initial part that hurts the most! I know you are doing the best you can. Can't wait to see you two girls this July!

  3. Poor Savannah and poor you! I am not a fan of teething, either. I think every child is different. McKay is a HORRIBLE teether! I don't recall my girl's being this bad, but maybe... I think God has a funny way of making mom's forget things so we have more kids. :) :) The "experts" say that the first teeth to break through are the worst and then after that it gets a little easier... not true with McKay (these 4 molars have been the worst thus far) but hopefully you will find that to be true with Savannah. Hang in there! Thank goodness for tylenol, right?! We are on a constant supply of that right now. :)
