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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My growing girl!

This weekend really showed me how big my little baby is becoming.  Saturday Savannah had her first meal while not attached to me.  I know you're supposed to wait until babies are at least 4 months old to give them anything other than breast milk but I really thought she was ready for it.  So I mixed up some way too expensive organic cereal (I guess I thought the better the stuff that I bought, the less bad I would feel about breaking the 4 month rule) and I made sure Oscar was in place to get the perfect picture.  Savannah absolutely LOVED it!!!!  She did better than I hoped.  In fact, she even wanted more later that night after I attempted to nurse her before bed.  She seemed so proud of herself---she's quite a big girl now.
Open wide!
That's delicious, Mom!
Okay, so half of it may have ended up on her face and bib.
What!? I'm finished already?!?

We also tried out her new jumpy thing.  Finally a toy that she really loves!!  
I'm not so sure about this, Mom.

Hey Mom, don't let go!!

Actually, this is kinda fun!!


  1. What a doll! She is just too cute. The first little milestones are so much fun. :) McKay's favorite toy is the johnny jump up too... he still likes it and he is 9 months old. :)

  2. SUCH a big girl! Good for you for taking initiative and doing what you think is right! I'm such a chicken, I have to wait for the doctors to coax me into anything new with Winn. Maybe b/c he's been through so much with his tummy?? I don't know, but I love reading and seeing what Savannah is doing...gets me excited about our next steps!!

  3. Hey Katherine- thanks for your sweet comment! You daughter is beautiful!!!! She has the best expressions.
