Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Saturday, December 28, 2013

WEA turns 1 Year Old!

Well, here it is.....the one year post.  I've been dreading writing this post for the past 363 days.  I know it's just another day but I always feel like it's the end of my baby days.  As long as he's still 11 months, he's still my little baby.  As soon as he becomes one year old, he's a big boy toddler.  I'm sure that's just me being over dramatic.  I mean really he is still the same little boy that he was yesterday but now with an all new title--The Big 1 Year Old!     
Walker's 12 month milestones/achievements/new tidbits:
~he now has 8 teeth: 4 on top and 4 on bottom
~he is regularly drinking vanilla soy milk and occasionally some cow's milk but he doesn't seem to like it.
~he's still willing to eat anything as long as I'm eating it, too.  I find myself now ordering things off a menu that I don't particularly want but I want him to eat it so that's what we're having.  His favorites include: spaghetti with meat sauce, chicken pot pie, grilled cheese, pizza, spaghettios, waffles, yogurt, cheese sticks.  Notice that I didn't say any baby food :)
~he took his first unassisted steps two days after his birthday.  By the next day he is trying to walk all over the place.  He can get about 4 paces away before falling over.  I'm soooo not ready for this stage.
~he is saying all sorts of syllables but he doesn't seem to be saying any particular sounds for any specific things.  
~he is so very active.  He is always getting into things and he leaves a path of destruction in his wake.
~his naps are becoming very irregular.  Some days he will take his normal morning and afternoon nap and other days he will take one very late morning nap that rolls into the afternoon.  Either way, on average he is napping for 2-3 hours every day.
~he is fully capable of sleeping through the night as long as he is in his own bed.  If we are away in hotels then he will still need comforting about twice a night.  At home, he can comfort himself back to sleep.  He typically goes to sleep around 8:00 pm and sleeps until 6:30-7:00 am.
~this month he has been his healthiest yet.  A whole month without a cold, no diaper rash, no skin irritations, no runny nose, etc.  Although he did get his first black eye by slipping in the bath tub.    
~he was left alone with a babysitter for the first time this month while Oscar, Savannah, and I attended a show at DPAC.  He did wonderful and the babysitter even managed to put him down for a nap.
~his favorite toys currently include: anything that Savannah is currently touching, anything that can be dumped out and scattered all of the house, Max's dog food, the pink mini coupe, drums and xylophones, and mini board books.
~he is now pointing towards things and/or people that he wants.
~he is such a little flirt.  He loves to play peek-a-boo and pretend to be shy around the ladies.
showing off his black eye
driving mommy's car
riding in sister's car seat
helping to open presents
12 Month Doctor's visit stats:
Weight: 27 lbs 9.8 oz (amazingly that is almost a pound less than at his 9 month visit)
Height: 30.25 inches (only 0.25 inches taller than 3 months ago)
Head circumference: 48.4 cm (1.4 cm bigger)

Here are some pictures from his actual birthday.
the birthday loot
he loves his new little wagon
getting a little help from Sis opening presents
his very own pirate ship
cake time
he always pulls the icing off first
such a happy boy
his one and only bite---he actually didn't like the texture
I sure do love this little man.....more and more every day.  He has become so loving and cuddly.  He is always giving me hugs and kisses.  My favorite is when he crawls into my arms, lays his little head on my shoulder, and just stay that way for a few brief still my heart!!  I always heard baby boys were more likely to be affectionate compared to girls and it's proving to be true with my two.  And he doesn't reserve his hugs and kisses for just me.  Savannah gets quite a few as well and so do all his little friends.
It has been such a wonderful, amazing, challenging, special, and emotional first year.  The hours have been long but the days have passed by so quickly.  I miss those first newborn days so much but at the same time I'm looking forward to the fun-filled toddler days ahead of us.  Happy first birthday my sweet Walker man!!!

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