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My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmastime in NYC

Savannah, Oscar, and I spent last week in New York visiting old friends and enjoying the holiday festivities in the city.  This was mine and Savannah's first time back since we moved in April and within the first 12 hours I was already reminded of why we left---the traffic, the noise, the trash, the expense, etc.  I am so thankful that we now live in Chapel Hill but we did have a great time visiting our old home.
her favorite spot in the hotel room--the windowsill 
Savannah and I were able to run in Central Park every morning despite the frigid temperatures.  On Wednesday, we visited my old workplace in Brooklyn Heights and had lunch some a couple of my Brooklyn girls.  Then on Thursday, we spent the afternoon with LoAn and little Kieran.  Savannah absolutely LOVES Kieran.  In fact, she wouldn't stay off of him.  She was constantly chasing after him to give him hugs and kisses.  It was really the cutest thing ever!  I think Kieran was terrified at first but Savannah's persistence helped her to grow on him.  I so wish these two lived closer together--I'm sure they would be the bestest of friends.  On Friday evening we had a big group dinner with the whole gang.  It was so great to see everyone and all the children.  It's amazing how different things change within just a couple of years.  We've seen each other marry, have babies, and move away but we somehow all manage to stay in touch.
my snoozing running partner--apparently her job remains the same regardless of city
Savannah playing with Kieran's toys. She was barely able to squeeze into this.

 Our Friday night dinner at Otto
Haley with 7 week old Perry
John and Carson (14 months)
Miles (4 years) being silly--Savannah LOVES him, too!
Miles and Mark
Kieran (8 months) and Carter
Kiera (2years) being goofy
Kiera checking out Perry with Daryl
Savannah's in charge of the drink selections
On Saturday we did our annual visit to the 34th street Macy's Santa Wonderland.  I am always amazed at how entertaining, captivating, and exciting their Santa experience is.  What a change from last year when Savannah slept the entire time.  This year her little head was spinning--there was so much to see and hear.  She did great all the way up until being put on Santa's lap.  I think she was terrified of the old man.  Hopefully he'll still stop by Grams' and Grandad's house with all her presents :)
taken just seconds before the meltdown
Rockefeller Center
"Hey mom, why can't we go ice skating down there?"
on our way back to the airport
Oh how I love the city at Christmastime and this year I loved it even more since I was able to go home at the end of the week :)

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