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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Thursday, October 30, 2014

WEA at 22 Months

Wow!!  Twenty-two months.....just two months short of two years old.  How has this happened?!  Those baby days are slipping away faster than I can even comprehend.  My little Walker-man, who is about half my size, is growing and changing by the day.  I really do love this time in toddlerhood.  He's still small enough to snuggle with and yet he's big enough to do so many things on his own.  His likes and dislikes are becoming stronger by the day.  His temperament is treading into those terrible twos and his emotions often get the better of him.  Yes, I do love this sweet little boy of mine!!

Walker's 22 Month Milestone/Achievement/Random Tidbits:
~he LOVES LOVES LOVES trains and trucks!!  His whole day revolves around "choo choos" and "tuck tucks".  He only wants to watch Thomas the Train, only wants to play with his train set, always carries a train or truck with him, sleeps with a train pillow, only reads books about trucks, tractors, and trains.  Yes, he's slightly obsessed!  
~he's also developed an obsession with the moon.  Every night he wants to go outside and point out the moon.
~he is right on track with is gross motor skills: he can run, he can jump, he can climb up and down stairs.
~he is still a pretty picky eater.  He prefers food pouches, yogurt, cheese sticks, waffles, oatmeal, and kids Cliff bars.  And he does have a sweet tooth.  His favorite is a "pop pop" (cake pop) from Starbucks.  Apparently I go to Starbucks a little too often because every day as we leave the gym he says "pop pop" until we stop in for our morning coffee break.  
~he had his professional haircut on Wednesday, October 8th.  Just a little trim to clean him up a bit.  We went to Peek-a-Do, a salon for kids, and he loved picking out at truck chair to sit in while Ms Donna cut his hair and he watched Frozen on his own personal tv.      
~so far he follows directions so well.  When I say it's time to clean up, he is the first one to start putting toys away.  For the most part, he's also pretty good about following most simple commands; come here, no touch, bring me that, put that away, etc.  However, this doesn't apply when Savannah is involved.  I could scream and yell all day and he would still be pulling hair, biting, pinching, hitting, grabbing, throwing, and every other act that leads to fighting between the two of them.  
~he is such a big boy at school.  He happily goes to his teacher at drop off and he always runs out of his classroom laughing and smiling at the end of the morning.  I think he really enjoys playing with the different toys (and a different train set) and playing on the playground.  I can tell that he's not really into arts and crafts because all of his papers that come home only have one little single line of crayon across it.  But this I assumed because he's too much of a busy-body to sit down and do any one activity.  
~new words that he is trying to say: "moon", "tay ewwww (thank you)", "moo (cow)", "pum pum (pumpkin)", "tik twee (trick-or-treat)"
fun times at his music and art class
waiting to get his hair cut
his first lollipop while getting a trim
my handsome boy afterwards
my early morning buddy
typical action shot around the house
doesn't everyone need a lawnmower handy while making dinner?!
playing with daddy's fathead
We have all really enjoyed Walker's 22nd month.  He's becoming so much more playful and just fun to be around.  He's constantly active and wanting to get into any and every thing.  And he's still such a little snuggle bunny.  He loves to be held and give hugs and kisses.  When he says "mama" and gives me a big squeeze wrapping his arms around my neck, I melt.  I really do love this little guy more and more everyday.  Oh how I wish he could stay this age forever!

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