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My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Friday, August 23, 2013

WEA turns 8 Months

Where are the months going?!  It's really not fair how quickly time is flying by.  Only 4 more months until my little man turns a year old.....and yes, I've already kinda started planning his first birthday party.    I'm really trying to savor every sweet minute with my precious boy and hold him a little tighter before he gets too big for me to hold anymore.  

 Here are Walker's 8 month milestones/achievements/new tidbits:
~he loves to stand upright even if he can't support his own weight.  Needless to say, he's not cruising around just yet.  He may actually just skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to walking.
~he is able to feed himself teething crackers and fruit that is placed inside his mesh snacker.
~he finally figured out how to drink out of a sippy cup.  Previously he was just chewing on it.
~he works to get toys that are out of his reach but since he's not crawling, he just rolls or scoots towards them.
~I already mentioned that he's not crawling but he can do a nice army man in reverse.  
~he still hates the stay-and-play at the gym. I'm not sure what it is about the gym that causes him to freak out. He's totally fine with a babysitter at home and he's okay in the church nursery. I guess my gym going days are going to have to be put on hold for a little while. 
~his sleeping schedule is all over the place. One day he'll take two great naps and wake up only once during the night and the next day he will refuse to nap and he'll wake up 3 times overnight. It's become somewhat common for him and I to get into Savannah's bed in the wee hours of the morning and try to get a couple more hours of sleep together.  Of course Savannah will have already been sleeping in her other bed in my and Oscar's room when we invade her room (that's a whole other issue). 
~Walker doesn't really watch tv but he does perk up and get excited when Mickey Mouse comes on. 
~he is such a cuddly lovable little guy.  I love when he just stares at me and then he goes in for a big lingering open-mouth kiss.  My  face usually gets covered in snot and spit but thats totally alright with me. 
~still no teeth!!!  What's the deal?!  Hurry up---I'm tired of this grumpy teething stage!!
~he's currently wearing size 18-24 month clothing and wearing a size 5 diaper.  Yes, I know, my 8 month old is HUGE!!  I can't believe the last size diaper Savannah ever wore was a 5--YIKES!
lounging in his tub
learning to hula hoop
in his new big boy car seat
new bathing technique
army man in reverse
I have spent the greater part of this past month trying to diagnose my little man.  I've talked before about his constant cold and my attempts at going dairy-free.  Now I'm not so sure he's sensitive to cow's milk.  Now I'm leaning towards him being allergic to dogs; specifically Lilly Belle.  His face has been broken out in a rash off and on for several weeks now and at first I thought it was a food allergy.  The peditrician suggested a sensitivity to his own saliva because of the excess drooling related to teething; however, he's never been a big drooler.  I've realized that his face and his cold symptoms seem to lessen whenever we have been away from home for an extended period of time.  And of course the main difference between home and away is the dogs.  So for now I have Lilly and Max quarantined in a section of the house where Walker does not go.  Maybe it's a coincidence or maybe I've finally diagnosed him but either way, his face is clearing up.  We'll see if being away for 2 weeks helps him.  

I think that about sums up the eighth month.  I'm hoping the 9th month will be a much healthier time and maybe he'll finally sprout that first tooth; but at the same time, I'm definitely not wanting the days to pass any quicker :)

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