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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Thursday, July 24, 2014

WEA 19 Months Old

 It's the last teen month for my little Walker-man.......I may have just shed a tear :(  My sweet baby boy is almost not a baby anymore.  Well, technically he'll always be my baby but to everyone else he's rapidly becoming a rambunctious little toddler.  Oh how I love this little guy!!
it's sticker time once again
such a big boy
Walker's 19 Month Milestones/Achievements/Random tidbits:
~he's back to teething.  This time it's his top canine teeth slowly pushing their way through.
~he had another at-home haircut.  I'm not used to hair that grows so fast.  I mean, S didn't get a haircut until she was almost 3 and a half.
~he had an appointment with the ENT and he is a prime candidate for tubes.  We also discovered that his ear drums are not responding the way they should and he can't hear soft sounds.  After the tubes are put in on August 8th, they will retest his hearing about 6 weeks later.  The doctors are thinking that his poor hearing could be causing the slight delay in speech.
~he has a small vocabulary that includes: mama, dada, up, hot, step, shoo (shoes), tweet (birds), choo (train)
~he can point to most body parts when asked "where is your nose/eyes/toes/teeth/etc"
~his current faves: books (actually the same 5 books over and over again), trains, balls, play kitchen with his favorite frying pan and hamburger patty, my pots and pan, bath foam, pretend talking on the phone,
~he has behaving wonderfully during all childcare settings.  Actually he behaves better when S isn't with him.  I think he becomes jealous when she is playing with other kids and that causes him to act out......he's quite possessive of his sister and mama :)
~lately he has been staying up later at night (9-9:30), sleeping in later in the morning (7:45-8:20), and taking really long (2 1/2-3 hour) naps.  Not sure what to make of this new schedule.
~he is still the little "terror"! This little boy gets into any and every thing and he's even started to climb up bookcases to get into things up high.
fun times at the pool
this is what getting your hand stuck in the candy jar looks like
W gets put in time out and what does S do??? She joins him! Must rethink time out strategy
coffee thief....surprisingly he actually likes it.  thankfully it's decaf :)
crazy tub hair
about to pull a Harlan and fall in the fountain
he loves to play with my makeup....should I be worried yet??!!
story time
he pulled the stool from the pantry, across the kitchen, and climbed on the counter all while I took a 5 second bathroom break
he's finally discovered the joy of the Chick-fil-A play zone 
my pretty little boy
I am loving this period that's the tail end of babyhood and just the beginning of toddlerhood.  Walker is becoming a little more self-sufficient but yet he's still dependent enough to make me feel needed.  Okay Father Time, you can official stop the passing of days.  I just want to linger in this sweet spot for a little bit longer.....or maybe forever if possible.  

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