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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The last teen month

YIKES!!  I can't believe Savannah is 19 months already!!!  I say it every month but the time really is flying by.  We're pretty much in summer now and enjoying all the fun activities outside....until it becomes to hot to handle.  She's not a big fan of the sun and as soon as she gets a little too warm, she's ready to head inside.  She acts like she's melting--just another similarity between her and Uncle Michael :)
There isn't really any new developments that have occurred since last month.  Savannah is simply enjoying life and playing a lot.  It amazes me how much energy she has.  From the moment she wakes up in the morning until she goes to bed at night, she is moving non stop.  She still isn't talking with words as much as I would have expected by this age.  I keep thinking any day now when I ask her what she wants from breakfast she'll respond with "I think I would like some cereal and chocolate milk, please."  Wishful thinking, huh.  
She's really is becoming such a big girl.  She likes to do everything herself----dress herself, put her shoes on, feed herself, go up and down stairs by herself, walk in the stores herself (no stroller or grocery cart), push her wagon instead of ride in it, swim by herself (which she can't do but she thinks she can), and everything else she does during a day.  She is also really into pretend play.  She loves to feed her baby dolls and she washes them in the bath tub.  And she really loves to pretend cook.  Whether she's on the stool beside me with her pots and pans or on her pretend grill, she tries to do whatever Mommy is doing.
"hmmmm, burgers or hot dogs?"
Riding her new tricycle while still in her jammies and with bed head
At the Museum of Life & Science....
...everything amazes her.
First time playing in the sprinkler. "Hmm, I wonder what this tastes like?"
filling up her baby pool
I think it's time to get a bigger one.
silly girl 
"Seriously Mom, it's toooooo hot out here!"
Joking around with a pacifier.  Where does she keep finding these things?!
Sooo sweet! She loves all her babies and stuffed animals.
Playing around at Jason's Deli
Since we're on a break from Kindermusik, we have our own jam sessions.
still blonde hair and blue eyes----is she really mine?!?

Please stop growing my sweet girl!!!  You're getting too big too fast!!!

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