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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Monday, September 29, 2014

WEA 21 Months

It's been such a fun month watching Walker grow and become more of a little boy.  The baby months are slipping away faster than I like but at the same time I'm excited to see the unique and special little person that Walker is becoming.  I'm constantly amazed at how different he is from his sister; they both have such strong personalities but Walker has a much softer temperament.  They fight more than they get along but during those brief moments when I catch them snuggling or playing together, it totally melts my heart.
Now on to my little man......
Walker's 21 month milestones/achievements/random tidbits: 
~he is doing great at his PMO class! He has never cried at drop off, he runs out smiling and laughing, and his teachers say that he's happy for the whole three hours.
~he is obsessed with trucks and trains! He is constantly saying "tuck" and "choo choo".  He loves to watch cars and trucks out on the roads and his favorite tv show right now is Thomas and Friends.
~he has started to sing along while watching movies in the car.  He obviously can't say the words but he likes to hum along.
~he is starting to say a few more words: baaball (basketball), socks, soooes (shoes), sool (stool), choo choo (referring to trains), tucks (trucks), pupp (puppy), sis (referring to Savannah aka sissy), hor (horses), hoo hoo (for owls), hot, step, up, mama, daddy
~his new favorite sound is a piggy snort.  He does it whenever he sees a pig on tv or in books which, surprisingly, is quite often.
~he loves to dance and jump around to music.
~he has become so easy to put to bed.  After we read a few books, I rock him for about 15 minutes and then put him in his crib.  He rolls over, smiles up at me, and waves bye-bye.  He may stay awake for a couple more minutes or he may talk to himself and play with his stuffed animals for up to 30 minutes before falling asleep.  Every night this amazes me because I still spend up to an hour trying to get Savannah to bed.  Just another example at how these two are so different.
~his bottom 2 incisor teeth are slowly pushing their way up.
~he has absolutely no interest in sitting down to eat at mealtimes.  He may take 2 bites of whatever is on his plate before he climbs down to go play.  He is far too busy to have to sit down and eat.
~he is wearing size 2t clothing, size 6 diaper, and weights about 32 pounds.
two of his favorite things--monkey-man, and an airplane
such a goofball
riding the carousel
giving hugs to Eli
Walker is such a lovable little guy.  He is very affectionate......always giving hugs and kisses.  He waves to everyone and blows kisses to say goodbye.  He is also very sensitive and his feelings get hurt quite easily.  He tries to behave and he will voluntarily go sit in time-out at just the mention of it.  He isn't nearly as destructive as he was just a month ago.  Instead he prefers to play with just a few toys and whatever Savannah and I are currently touching.  He has the cutest sense of humor.  We're always saying how funny he is and apparently we're not the only ones who see it.  Ms. Carolyn and Alisha at the gym tell me almost daily how he does the funnest things with the sole purpose of making himself or someone else laugh.  He must get that trait from Oscar----who else laughs at their own jokes :)  

We sure do adore this little man.  Every day he does something to melt my heart and every minute I'm so thankful that he's mine.  On to the next month....

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