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My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Savannah's 1st strawberry picking

It is so nice to finally live in an area where we don't have to drive for an hour+ to find fresh produce.  I guess we could go to the farmers market but I really enjoy visiting the actual farms and picking the fruit myself.  Now that Savannah is big enough to walk on her own we decided to visit a local strawberry farm and pick a few baskets.  The weather was perfect yesterday--bright sun shiny day but not too hot.  And the berries were gorgeous!  This was the first weekend for picking so we had plenty to choose from.  Savannah loved carrying the baskets and even picking the berries herself....until she realized that if she squished them, they would squirt all over her.  Thankfully by then we had pretty much filled up our 2 baskets.  We picked just over 7 pounds and it only cost us $11.  We'll definitely go back again if not again this season then next year for sure.
Me and my helper
She definitely got the hang of it pretty quickly 

"Hold up, Mom. I'm coming, too."
I love how she tries to put the bucket over her shoulder like a purse.
"So that's what happens when you squish it." 

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I was thinking about taking my girls soon. I have a feeling my fruitoholic Mallory will eat them faster than we can fill up the basket. Where did y'all go? Good place?
