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My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter a little late

We didn't get home from our beach trip until Sunday afternoon so all of our Easter festivities occurred a little late.  The Easter Bunny stopped our house that morning so Savannah got to check out all her goodies before going down for a nap.  After she woke up from her nap, we went out to dinner then came home and dyed Easter eggs.  She loved dropping the eggs into the cups!  We managed to not break any of the eggs and to not spill any of the dye.  I would say that made it a very successful experience.
"You say the Bunny brought all this for me?!"
"Let me check out what else is in here."
"Woohoo! My own lawn mower and it even blows bubbles!"

"Let me help you out with that, Mom."
She wasn't a big fan of all the waiting involved for the eggs to change colors.
She's ready with her stirrer.
Say "cheese" for the camera.
We had to wait a few days before we could have our egg hunt due to the rainy weather.  Then once it finally cleared up, we had to wait for Dad to cut the lawn so we didn't have to hunt in a jungle.  Savannah absolutely LOVED finding the eggs.  I helped her find the first one so she could understand what we were doing, but after that she had no problem finding the rest.  She was so proud of all her eggs that she had to empty her basket to show them all to Lilly Belle.  
"I don't know where the eggs are." 
"Found one!!"
"I think I see another one over there."
"This is so much fun!"
"Let me show you what I found, Lilly Belle."

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