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My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Savannah's 22nd Month

Only 1 more monthly update after this one until my sweet Savannah turns 2!  I've said that after she turns 2 I'll be cutting back to probably quarterly updates for the next year.  Since she is past all the major early developments there isn't much to report anymore.  Yes, she is growing and changing everyday but not in ways that are easily noticeable.  
My Sweet Savannah Grace at 22 Months

The most obvious change is definitely the frequency of temper tantrums.  Oftentimes it feels like they occur every hour---not really but some days it's pretty close.  I'm really beginning to understand firsthand what the experts mean when they say the toddler years parallel the teenage years.  Savannah is one stubborn, hard-headed, bossy, self-centered, over dramatic, little firecracker!  I have become that parent with the screaming child at the grocery store, at restaurants, in the car, in parking lots, at the mall, etc.  I think we may hibernate all winter if she doesn't improve.  Needless to say, the time out chair isn't really working.  
Maybe baby Abby will benefit from the chair more than Savannah.
It looks like I'm going to have to really start getting firm.  It's just difficult when she's so darn cute.  She'll flash her big mischievous smile with her pretty blue eyes and I just melt.  (Sounds a lot like a certain Marine we all know.)  

Now on to the better things......
Savannah really does have the sweetest personality....until you make her mad of course.  She is very loving to her babies and especially to Maxwell and Lilly.  She loves to pretend feed her dolls and she is always giving them kisses.  The same applies to the dogs.  The other day I was cooking dinner and I wasn't really paying too much attention to Savannah especially since she was being quiet (I now know that's not a good thing).  The next thing I know, she has dumped out the dogs' treats and is sitting in the floor breaking them in half (because that's how we do it) and feeding them to Max and Lil.  I have no idea how many they ate but I was cleaning up dog throw up for the next 24 hours.  I was so aggravated but I couldn't fuss at Savannah---she thought she was being nice to the doggies.  She also loves to give mama kisses all the time.  Especially before nap and bedtime she will snuggle up on me, wrap her little arms around my neck, and give me at least 5 kisses.  It just melts my heart!  

My big girl is in the midst of potty training herself.  I would never have started this soon but she seems to be very interested and she's actually catching on very quickly.  I ask her constantly if she needs to go potty and she'll either say "nooooooo" or "potty" and take off running for it.  Every time she goes to sit on it she does something.  I haven't had to change a dirty diaper for the past several days....woohoo!  This could be premature excitement and once the newness and excitement wears off she may go back to the diaper but for now we'll keep working on it.  We've switched to wearing Disney pull-ups during the day because we were going through so many diapers as a result of taking them on and off every hour.  She loves the pull ups so much that I often have to fight her to put her pants back on top.
"check out my new undies!!"
she LOVES them!
Savannah's current obsession is Disney's Tangled.  No lie, we watch that movie twice a day every day.  I can quote every line and she is even able to mumble along and scream with Rupunzel.  She has the Rupunzel doll, the mini figures, the books, the posters, the pjs, the dress, and the singing brush.  If I had not already bought her Halloween costume she would definitely be going as Rupunzel (guess I jumped the gun on that one--oh well).  We haven't been able to watch any other princess movie since she saw this one.  Thankfully it's one of my favorites, too, or else I may start to go crazy :)  
everything is princess around here
Savannah often does things that make me shake my head and wonder, "if she's doing this now, what will she be like as a teenager?!".
she loves to check out things on the computer
her morning Skype chat with Grams
oh the phone while eating ice cream
she's ready to roll
But then of course, I turn around and she's back to doing her typical toddler things....
blowing bubbles
not sure why I buy toys when she's entertained with a box for a whole afternoon
This pic really makes me laugh because S hates riding in shopping carts so I always have to carry her around while in stores. I guess she thinks baby Abby doesn't like the cart either.
she's not a fan of the carousel so I was forced to sit and hold her 
she loves the elephants at the zoo
my little drumming princess 
she's hiding out in her tower
Next month will be the final monthly update before the big 2nd birthday.  How is time flying by so fast?!

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