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My Sweet Babies

My Sweet Babies

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Savannah Grace at 13 Months

Savannah is entering into her toddler years with a bang!  We like to call our little princess a "terror"!  She gets into any and everything all the time.  Now that she is walking 100% of the time, there is no stopping her.  No zone is off limits, the poor doggies have no where to hide, and my new Christmas decorations already look a few years old.  And when she's not destroying something, she's yelling at me for holding her back.  This little lady has a mind of her own and the strength and determination to get her way.  Lord help us as we get closer and closer to the 'terrible twos' because I may have to bring in reinforcement if she keeps this up :)

At 13 months, Savannah is......
~walking all the time!  In fact, she's almost running!
~eating pretty much everything.  Her favorites are anything with peanut butter, anything with cheese, and anything with chocolate---she's definitely her mother's daughter :)
Peanut butter face
~constantly in the center of everything!  I'm barely able to type this blog because she thinks she has to be sitting in my lap "helping".
Savannah "helping" Grams sew curtains
~playing with Max and Lilly all the time.  Lilly is definitely her little buddy but Max spends most of his time running from her.

~climbing into and on everything!  Toys that she hasn't been playing with for months are like all new toys since she has figured out how to climb into them on her own.  I sure hope Santa brings something fun and safe for her to get into :)
climbing into her walker--usual both legs get stuck in one opening
climbing into her car from the wrong side
the tupperware cabinet--still an all-time favorite spot
~having temper tantrums.  She doesn't like being told "no", "stop", "no touch", "be nice", or "share".  And she will definitely let you know she's not happy.
her reaction to being told to stop pushing her high chair
~still has the most beautiful hazel eyes--very much like her uncle Harlan.  After 13+ months of not changing, I think they're here to stay--woohoo!
I love how blue her eyes look when she is wearing blue.
not sure if we see much Alvarez in her--the Johnson gene seems to dominate 
~finally becoming a little affectionate.  She has never been a cuddly snuggle sort of baby but she now loves to give Mama kisses and hugs and I LOVE receiving them!!  She even loves to hug other babies and children.  This usually terrifies the other child but if they're receptive they see that she's just trying to be lovey :)

Even though I dreaded the changing of my baby becoming a toddler, I sure do love each and every day with my 13 month old girl!  

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